2023, A year of moving inwards!
December 17, 2022 2024-02-18 14:532023, A year of moving inwards!

We’re just days away from the New Year – 2023.
According to Numerology, it is the year that sums up the energies of 7. Seven is a spiritual number. God has created seven oceans, seven continents, seven colors of the rainbow. We also have 7 main chakras in our body. 2023 is about spreading more spiritual awareness across the globe. 2023 is the year of reflection of yester years.
Let’s me show you how it works!
When we add all the numbers of the Universal Year, 2023:
2+0+2+3 = 7
Universal Year Number 7 enhances the connection to the source. This year you will learn to be self-analytical and understand yourself better. You may want to learn how to develop yourself and gain spiritual wisdom. It is time to be calm, reflect, be aware and evaluate. It’s time to see your accomplishment and a period of transformation. Everything starts from within to move outwards.
This year you will learn to balance your mental and emotional process.
How to enhance your mental health through meditation? You may learn to evaluate and strengthen your spiritual focus. You gain sharp intuition and follow your inner wisdom and get the greater success to your outer world. As you bring more awareness in yourself you bring change in your circumstances.
As the world is becoming more digitally intertwined. Our lives and business is decided by the digital lifestyle. In the terms of technology and science in the world, it will be drastic change universally. We also will be learning how to cope with the energy of 7 in technology and humans and for us to keep us balance and in harmony.

How can we benefit from Universal Year 2023 (7) and make a successful year?
Here are few tips to make life more worthy and successful.
Take it easy
When I say take it easy, I mean do not dwell on the past with the things which were out of control. Keep moving. Every act, thought, words, decisions and actions of your life are important. Be mindful of your actions.
In this digital world life moves faster than before. Thinking another person is doing much better than you. Keep 5 minutes of your day to observe your actions and trust your inner driver to guide you. All answers are within you. Keep navigating. The number 7 will help you to be thoughtful.
Meditation works wonders! Meditation can be done while sitting or engaging yourself with any new learnings. There are different ways to practice meditation. May it be a yoga routine, early morning walk or chanting mantra to accumulate your thoughts in one direction. It helps you to be calm and compose.
Better Understandings of Time and Space
Let’s break down time and space. People often say hey “I don’t have time”. There is enough time and space if you spend it wisely. Work time, family time and me time can be prioritised and managed.
You may face challenges sometimes with number 7. Sometimes you can isolate yourself in retrospect and become overthinking. I believe say thinking is good but not do not dwell too much and spiral in your thoughts. So, be kind and others, be humble, and keep healthy boundaries.
Work on these few tips as we enter 2023. You will find abundance, balance, prosperity and successful life.