
Numerology Stones for Life

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Numerology Stones for Life

Healing crystals are powerful and magnificent gifts that Mother Earth offers the mankind. Each one of them have a unique vibration that could affect our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. Combining Numerology with the power of gems could help in reaping the powerful healing properties of these gems.

Read on to more about how we can choose a healing gem from a numerological perspective.

Why should you use the right gemstone?

The right gemstone could
• Attract infinite financial abundance
• Help to eliminate obstacles in the path of prosperity
• Resolve relationships
• Solve family issues
• Improve overall health
• Instill a sense of peace and calmness
• Stabilize all aspects of your life

How to find out the right healing stone?

There are countless gems available. Choosing the right one could be confusing. While we can choose a gemstone that resonates with us, incorporating those stones that are energetically aligned with your personal numbers. In simpler words, you can choose the stone that is in vibration with your date of birth. If you are born on 4th May 1983, then you can choose a stone that is in alignment with 4. The idea is to reduce the date to a single digit. So if you date of birth is 22 June 1973, your number will be 4. Thas your Birth Stone.

Know your Birth-Stone for better tomorrow

Here is a step by step guide to choosing numerological gemstones.

Birthdate: 1, 10, 19, 28
Planet Ruled: Sun
Colors: Red, Bright orange
Recommended stone: Ruby
Benefits: Could help to attract power, wealth, and financial abundance, Could boost energy levels, could enhance leadership skills, could shield from energy vampires and psychic attacks, and improve health.
Other gemstones: Red tourmaline

Birthdate: 2, 11, 20, 29
Planet Ruled: Moon
Color: White, off-white, green
Recommended stone:Moonstone/ Pearl
Benefits: Could calm your mind, ease stress, enhance longevity, bring good luck, could offer a sense of freedom.
Other gemstones: White sapphire, Agate

Birthdate: 3, 12, 21, 30
Planet Ruled: Jupiter
Colors: Vibrant yellow, purple, mauve, purple
Recommended stone: Yellow sapphire
Benefits: Could fetch financial abundance, could help with detoxification, could help to formulate creative goals, could encourage taking new initiatives, gift joy and happiness, and improves self-confidence.
Other gemstones: Citrine, Yellow Tourmaline, Yellow Topaz

Birthdate: 4, 13, 22, 31
Planet Ruled: Uranus
Colors: Electric blue, Blue, Grey
Recommended stone: Lapis Lazuli, Hessonite
Benefits: Could help with better communication, improve your marital life, could bring good fortune, and enhance spiritual life by eliminating blocks.
Other gemstone: Diamond, Coral, Pearl

Birthdate: 5, 14, 23
Planet Ruled: Mercury
Colors: Green
Recommended stone: Emerald
Benefits: Could help with healing, keep your aura clean, fetch fortune and financial abundance, improve self-confidence, and bring prosperity.
Other gemstones: Green onyx, Green Tourmaline

Birthdate: 6, 15, 24
Planet Ruled: Venus
Colors: Blue, pink
Recommended gemstones: Blue diamond
Benefits: Could improve communication, express yourself, fetch financial abundance, and enhance fortune and luck.
Other gemstones: Zircon, Tourmaline

Birthdate: 7, 16, 25
Planet Ruled: Neptune
Colors: Pale blue, white, green, cream, yellow
Recommended gemstones: Cat’s eye
Benefits: Could fetch wealth and financial abundance, set the stage for popularity and fame, improve longevity, and also create a magnetic and attractive personality.
Other gemstones: Moonstone

Birthdate: 8, 17, 26
Planet Ruled: Saturn
Colors: Blue
Recommended gemstone: Blue sapphire
Benefits: Could protect you from accidents and black magic, fetch financial abundance, enhance communication and leadership skills, and improve your intuitive powers.
Other gemstones: Lapis Lazuli, Cat’s eye, and Amethyst.
Number 8 people can also wear all the nine gems together, designed as a pendant or ring set in silver.

Birthdate: 9, 18, 27
Ruling planet: Mars
Colors: Red
Recommended gemstone: Coral
Benefits: Could help you avoid undesirable arguments, promote a sense of peace, better marital life, enable better decision making by looking at the bigger picture.

Other gemstones: Red Opal or Red Garnet


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