Embrace Your Feminine Energy To Heal Yourself!
September 5, 2018 2024-02-18 14:53Embrace Your Feminine Energy To Heal Yourself!
Embrace Your Feminine Energy To Heal Yourself!
What is Feminine Energy?
All of us have Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within us. The feminine is the yin while the masculine is the Yang. The Feminine energy is all about the Goddess energy.
Yes, all of us do have these traits in us, but alas, many consider these qualities as signs of weakness. Even when people are aware of the truth that these traits are indicators of strength, people try to put them down for various reasons, leading to blockages.
What Happens When Feminine Energy Is Blocked
The rigid, stubborn femininity, overpowered by a hurt ego, tends to become an arrogant masculine energy. In an attempt to do, it creates a false impression to be independent. This feeling lasts for a very short period. Then comes the burnout, leaving the feminine with zero self-confidence. Under such circumstances, the energy could turn disruptive, upsetting the balance of the entire Universe. There will be nothing but a total sense of burn out and exhaustion.
How to Release Blocked Feminine Energy?
Acknowledge Your Sensuality
Accept and embrace your sensuality. There is nothing wrong with doing so.
- Open yourself to enjoy all the pleasures the world has to offer you.
- Allow yourself to flow through the sensual experiences of life.
- Practice self-care.
- Indulge in a hobby of your choice.
- Spend quality time with yourself.
- Nurture yourself with the food, water, and adequate rest.
- Encourage yourself.
- Be spontaneous.
- Indulge in creative activities such as painting, drawing, crocheting, cooking, gardening, etc.
- Spend time with your inner child. [Want more help? Take a Theta Healing with Pari]
- Give and take hugs.
- Pamper yourself by taking a vacation or watching a movie of your choice.
The list can go on and on.
And, when this happens, emotions flow like water, without getting trapped in your Sacral Chakra, allowing the Goddess energy in you to rise and shine.

Accentuate Your Creativity
Acknowledge And Accept Your Emotions
Welcome your emotions. Emotions – anger, sadness, sorrow, frustration, happiness, joy – whatever it is, we often do not experience them as they are. While the expression of emotions is considered as a weakness, in reality, it is the other way round. So acknowledge and accept the emotions that arise. Once you accept them, you will be able to practice unconditional forgiveness and love, which eventually will heal you and whatever surrounds you.
Here are a few things you can do.
- Practice unconditional forgiveness, even when someone hurts you.
- Release and let go with love.
- Be willing to look at all the situations of your life through the eyes of love.
Express The Right Way
Oh, yes! Quite often in the hustle and bustle of life, you often tend to suppress your emotions and feelings. Communicating what you are experiencing the right way will allow the emotions to flow instead of getting trapped, thus suppressing the Divine Feminine by blocking the Sacral Chakra.
Feel confident and accept compliments with grace and gratitude. Receiving compliments is a feminine quality, and there is no need to feel embarrassed about them. You can confidently and freely receive them with a warm “Thank you.” It harnesses the energies, strengthening that feminine element in you.
Being confident and accepting your positive qualities with gratitude and grace sets the stage to enhance yet another feminine trait, intuition. And, that is where the Third Eye Chakra comes into the picture.
Trust Your Intuition
Intuition or the gut feeling is typically feminine. The mind empowers the brain here. The intuition is the integral internal GPS that will guide you on the right path. The hunch feeling that you get when someone stares at you. The butterflies that flutter in your heart and the weird sensation of knowingness when you know that someone has a crush on you would be the best example of intuition.
However, due to specific reasons, you might tend to block your intuitive powers. Most of the times, it happens when the masculine analytical energy tries to suppress the gut with logical explanations. Try to work more on your gut instincts. Practice them, and you will feel softer and calmer.
Here are a few affirmations to activate and embrace your Divine Feminine energies.
- I belong where I am. I attain and retain all that I need.
- I let go easily and I let in what I need effortlessly.
- I discover creative ways of liberating myself.
- I listen precisely and express adequately.
- It is safe to flow in unconditional love.
- I am open to give and receive lots of love.
- I am open to enjoying all material and sensuous pleasures the world offers me.

Indulge in Self Care
Feminine energy love to cared and adored. And, when that arises from oneself that female energy in us feels acknowledged. Spend a day without planning. Go for a massage. Or just laze around, allowing your feminine side to soak up the love you are showing on it.
Embrace Your Femininity
Understanding and activating feminine energy does not imply that you are just surviving. Appreciating and nurturing the feminine side will help you blossom and become more aware of your senses. Balance is the key here. Spending some time on yourself is okay. Looking beautiful is not meant only for women. Grooming is men’s right as well. Now it time to take a journey within you and find that sleeping goddess within you.
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